We are ready to start the production of the robot!

Our project has reached a milestone at which it is about to undergo a major change. We know how important those partners are, who Sunny Robot will continue its development with. And that is why we take the search and selection of long-term partners seriously and responsibly. We have worked out a co-operation plan and share distribution agreement with investors and are carefully selecting a partner for the production of Sunny Robot in China.

In the meantime, our team continues to work hard and is ready to share the latest results with you:

We have a very close-knit and friendly team, with many strong technical specialists. Marketing is something we have just started working on. We have a lot of tasks to do to make people aware of Sunny Robot. We are actively developing social media, publishing new cases of using Sunny in everyday life in the form of bright comics, and writing interesting and informative articles about our robot and we have planned further development of our Instagram and TikTok. And, of course, we are selecting bloggers to collaborate with. Our advertising strategy needs to be refined and we are consulting with experts.

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