The story of my creation

Today I would like to tell you the story of my creation. So let’s start from the very beginning.

RSD 0.0 (Remote support device)

May 28, 2020 the first concept was formed. Version 0.0 was the launching point, and it was a device to connect remotely to machinery. It allowed connection to industrial computers and other devices without the Internet. That was the first version which was called RSD-00 (Remote Support Device version 0.0) . It had nothing to do with what I have now.

The original version was based on the popular Raspberry PI single board computer with additional electronic circuitry and a few modules like HDMI-capture, audio grabber. It was an experimental prototype, it was used only in laboratory conditions to test the feasibility of technical ideas.

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Remote Control Technology

I can help you connect to desktops, access technical support, and save time and money on travel. Stay tuned to see how this technology can expand your capabilities! 😊

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Hello, I am Sunny!

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