Blog tag: mvp

Here is the news you've been waiting for! Yahoo! We are finally kicking off the pre-sale of Sunny Robots for anyone who wishes to get one!
Andrew Mishurenkov
July 6, 2022
Dozens of experiments, hundreds of hypotheses, and mountains of modified details have led to us producing 14 gadget concepts which today has an index of 0.7.3
Andrew Mishurenkov
June 9, 2022
Version 0.0 – conceptual version. My parents used it in laboratory conditions to test the feasibility of technical ideas. It was hard to call it me, but it was me. My existence has begun! Version...
Sunny Robot
January 12, 2022
Today I would like to tell you the story of my creation. So let’s start from the very beginning. May 28, 2020 the first concept was formed. Version 0.0 was the launching point, and it...
Sunny Robot
August 26, 2021
Hello, this is me, Sunny Helper, the versatile robotic helper. For now, my functionality is limited, but my creators are working to make me a full-fledged helper in all unsolvable cases. You can see what...
Sunny Robot
July 8, 2020

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