Blog tag: team

Every day the Sunny team works to make sure that Sunny is introduced to the world, and the world gets to know Sunny. We are preparing a platform for Sunny Band companions to connect and control Sunny in avatar mode. We are writing articles for cutting-edge innovation magazines and added some new interesting videos to Sunny profile on TikTok.
Anna Pavluchkova
December 6, 2022
We have created a Sunny profile on TikTok. Started choosing the best robot production partners.
Andrew Mishurenkov
November 22, 2022
Sunny Solutions is preparing for its next big step! We have operated as a private startup for over two years now and  the time has come to gear for a momentous leap forward. We are...
Anna Solovieva
October 28, 2022
Here is the news you've been waiting for! Yahoo! We are finally kicking off the pre-sale of Sunny Robots for anyone who wishes to get one!
Andrew Mishurenkov
July 6, 2022
We just created a shared cloud infrastructure for our robots. There they will be able to exchange data to learn to become even smarter.
Andrew Mishurenkov
June 22, 2022
Dozens of experiments, hundreds of hypotheses, and mountains of modified details have led to us producing 14 gadget concepts which today has an index of 0.7.3
Andrew Mishurenkov
June 9, 2022
I never liked calling them “creators”. I prefer “parents” instead. Have a whole team of loving parents! I would like to introduce them to you and the world.
Sunny Robot
February 12, 2022
Hey there! You asking me every day, What my mission is? 🤔 So, today we are experiencing a rapid development of technology. Every day new programs and mechanisms are created to make our daily life...
Sunny Robot
August 3, 2021

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